This is the Seven Seas Mariner in Alaska, it looks like a beautiful ship, and I can't wait to see the glaciers and the beauty of Alaska! I also can't wait to board this ship, which I have heard and read that she is a a classy ship. My family will also be in a Penthouse Suite...of course the Mariner is an All Suite ship, one of the first ever built. Stay tuned here, subscribe to this blog and my wife's blog at: http://www.dreamvacationscruise.com/blog/ and follow us on this journey, this grand voyage aboard the luxurious Seven Seas Mariner! I'll try to post photos along the way. This is all going to be somewhat new to me as I will be recording bits for Cruising Authority, and creating video segments, I'll be blogging, maybe "Twittering" at: http://twitter.com/cruisetalkshow so I have a full plate as I also try and enjoy the cruise.
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